Members of the laboratory of Organic Chemistry and Photochemistry

Cécile Moucheron

Professor, Director of the laboratory
Organic Chemistry and Photochemistry CP 160/08
Solbosch campus
1050 Brussels

Room: P2.3.107
Phone: +32(0)2/650.36.07
Fax: +32(0) 2/650.30.18

Short CV

Cécile Moucheron was born in 1966 in Leuven. She received her doctoral degree in 1992 at the Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB, Belgium) in the area of aromatic synthesis and coordination chemistry. She worked with Dr. J.-P. Sauvage on semicatenanes and copper(I) complexes at the Université Louis Pasteur in Strasbourg. She then joined the laboratory of photochemistry at the ULB. In 1994, she spent several months at the Université Joseph Fourier in Grenoble (UJF, France) where she contributed to research on new intercalating derivatives with Prof. J. Lhomme and Dr. M. Demeunynck. She continued her career as assistant professor at the ULB. From 2003, she was elected as Professor in the Department of Chemistry at the ULB. Her research includes the synthesis of polyazaaromatic complexes and their study with DNA or as antenna systems.